How do I find respite for my foster child?

  • First, consider the child in your care – where will respite work best for the child? In your home, or in a licensed foster parent’s home?
  • As you become licensed, ask family or friends to become approved as your respite provider and help them complete the required paperwork.
  • The Prudent Parenting Law allows you to use family or friends you know and trust to provide care for your foster child for up to 72 hours; this can take place in your home or theirs. You will be responsible for any payment for this type of short term care.
  • You may request respite care through the child’s assigned caseworker and the CA Placement Coordinator in your local DCFS office (if your area has a centralized placement service, please check with them first). Provide your request in writing and include the date and time you the respite to begin and the date/time you will return to pick up your child. It is important for the child’s safety and well-being that the respite provider have information necessary to meet the child’s needs. It is also important to share information about any the child’s upcoming appointments or visits. The respite provider should have emergency contact information and information about any medications or special dietary needs.
  • Foster parent support groups are an excellent way to meet other foster parents who are from your area. Often group members will provide respite for other foster parents who are part of their group.
  • Become a member of one of the Foster Parent Support Facebook groups hosted by our Recruitment and Retention contractors. Foster parents often post their need for respite care and find other foster parents who are willing to do respite.