October 25, 2022, has been continued to November 22, 2022

Scheduled Hearing Dates: 
October 25, 2022 10:00am

Rule-Making Hearing Docket

Due to a service wide network outage at the original time of this hearing, the public comment period on these proposals has been continued. The new comment deadline and hearing date is November 22, 2022.

Please note: The public hearing on October 25, 2022, will be held online for those interested in attending. Meeting details are as follows:  

Teams meeting

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Select the WAC number to view or print a copy of the CR-102 form and the rule text. Send all comments on the rule to the Rules Coordinator. If you have questions about the rule send a message to the contact person.

Rule Title/Subject Contact Person Washington State Register Citations

WAC 388-464-0001

The department is proposing to amend WAC 388-464-0001, Am I required to cooperate with quality assurance?

Roanne Harris  (360) 870-8059


Preproposal notices filed as WSR 21-19-117; 
Proposed rules filed as WSR 22-19-093
Hearing Date: October 25, 2022

WACs (amending) 388-71-0837, -0839, -0841, -0846, -0850, -0855, -0860, -0875, -0906, -0911, -0916, -0932, -0936, -0941, -0946, -0970, -0971, -0973, -0980, -0985, -0990, -0991, -1001, -1026, -1031, -1045, -1050, -1051, -1055, -1060, -1064, -1076, -1091, -1096, -1106, -1111, -1120, -1125, -1130, 388-71 Subheading Instructor Approval, 388-71 subheading Competency Testing, 388-112A-0105, -0110, -0115, -0120, -0125, -0130, -0200, -0210, -0220, -0310, -0320, -0330, -0520, -0550, -0560, -0580, -0610, -0611, -0612, -0920, -0940, -0950, -1010, -1020, -1230, -1240, -1250, -1270, -1285, -1292, -1300, -1310, Subheading in 388-112A, Competency Testing, and Subheading numeration removed, Chapter 388-112A WAC; adding 388-71-0958, 388-71-0961, 388-71-0962, 388-71-1067, 388-71-1068, 388-71-1069,and 388-112A-0118; repealing 388-71-058329, -05833, -05834, -0921, -0931, -0951, -1006, -1021, -1083; 388-112A-0240, -0350, -0480, -0530, -0540, -0585, -0620, and -0840. 

Training requirements for all long-term care workers are regulated by the same policies. Long-term care workers who work in home environments are regulated under chapter 388-71 WAC, while workers in assisted living facilities, enhanced services facilities, and adult family homes are regulated under chapter 388-112A WAC. As the result of many years of amendments and additions to rules that were not done in concert between the two chapters, the language between chapter 388-71 and 388-112A WAC have diverged resulting in significant differences. These differences cause unnecessary confusion. The modifications contained in this proposal will not change policy or practice, but will reconcile the differences, update language, and create more current and uniform policies for long-term care workers. Amendments fall under the following categories: Changing numbers over ten to numbers rather than words, adding rules to chapter 388-71 WAC that are already in place in 388-112A but should be in both training sections, moving rules to new, more logical locations, clarifying language suggested by stakeholders, making wording between chapters more consistent, gender equity changes, consolidating several redundant rules into a single rule, changing “70-hour long-term care basic training” to “70-hour home care aide basic training”, correction of typographical and other unintended errors, and anticipation of a future Department of Health rule change related to the date of hire.

David Chappell
(360) 725-2515
Preproposal notices filed as WSR 22-03-046; 
Proposed rules filed as WSR 22-17-073
Hearing Date: October 25, 2022

Contact the DSHS Rules Coordinator to:

  • Ask questions about the hearing, a proposed rule, or the rule-making process;
  • Confirm the day's calendar;
  • Inquire about interpreter services or accommodations for disabilities at hearings; or
  • Submit written comments.

Rules Coordinator

Rules and Policies Assistance Unit
PO Box 45850
Olympia, WA  98504-5850
Phone: (360) 664-6097
Fax: (360) 664-6185
711 Relay Service