A | ||
AA | Area Administrator | |
AAA | Area Agencies on Aging | |
ABAWD | Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents | |
ABD | Aged, Blind, Disabled. | |
ABE | Adult Basic Education | |
ACES | Automated Client Eligibility System | |
ACP | Address Confidentiality Program. | |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act. | |
ADATSA | Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Treatment and Support Act | |
ADLs | Activities of Daily Living | |
ADRC | Aging and Disability Resource Centers | |
ADSA | Aging & Disability Services Administration | |
AFH | Adult Family Home | |
AL | Alternative Living | |
ALF | Assisted Living Facility | |
ALF | Assisted Living Facility | |
ALTSA | Aging and Long-Term Support Administration | |
APS | Adult Protective Services | |
ARC | Adult Residential Care | |
ARCF | Adult Residential Care Facility | |
ARP | Alternative Residential Placement | |
ARPP | Alternate Residential Placement Petition | |
ARRC | Adult Residential Rehabilitation Center | |
ARTF | Adult Residential Treatment Facility | |
ARY | At-Risk-Youth | |
B | ||
BARS | Budgeting, Accounting, and Reporting System | |
BHA | Behavioral Health Administration | |
BHP | Basic Health Plan | |
BIA | Bureau of Indian Affairs | |
BL | Black Lung | |
BLS | Basic Life Support | |
BNHA | Bureau of Nursing Home Affair | |
BPCH | Bureau of Parent-Child Health | |
BTC | Basic Training Camp | |
C | ||
C/W | Complaining Witness | |
CA | Children's Administration | |
CA/N | Child Abuse and/or Neglect | |
CAMIS | Case and Management Information System | |
CAPTA | Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act | |
CapTel |
Captioned Telephone | |
CARE | Comprehensive Assessment Reporting Evaluation | |
CARES | Comprehensive Adult Resources Evaluation System | |
CASSP | Child & Adolescent Services System Project | |
CATS | Client Activity Tracking System | |
CCRC | Continuous Care Retirement Center | |
CCRSS | Certified Community Residential Services and Supports | |
CCSP | Child Care Subsidy Program | |
CDE | Consumer Directed Employer | |
CDWA | Consumer Direct Care Network of Washington | |
CFCO | Community First Choice Option | |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations | |
CHINS | Child in Need of Services | |
CHIP | Childrens Health Insurance Program | |
CJS | Consolidated Juvenile Services | |
CM | Case Manager | |
CMAR | Case Mix Accuracy Review | |
CMHIS | Community Mental Health Information System | |
CMIS | Case Management Information System | |
CMS | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (federal agency) | |
CMSUP | Case Manager Supervisor | |
CN | Categorically Needy | |
CNIL | Categorically Needy Income Level | |
COPES | Community Options Program Entry System | |
CPA | Child Placement Agency | |
CPG | Child Placement Guidelines | |
CPS | Child Protective Services | |
CPT | Child Protection Team | |
CRA | Community Risk Assessment | |
CRM | Case Resource Manager | |
CRN | Certified Registered Nurse | |
CRP | Community Residential Placement | |
CRU | Community Relations Unit, Complaint Resolution Unit |
CSD | Community Services Division | |
CSE | Child Support Enforcement | |
CSO | Community Services Office | |
CSTC | Child Study and Treatment Center | |
CW | Case Worker | |
CWS | Child Welfare Services | |
CWTAP | Child Welfare Training and Advancement Program | |
CYFS | Children, Youth and Family Services | |
D | ||
DAC | Dementia Action Collaborative | |
DACB | Disabled Adult Child Benefits | |
DBHR | Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery | |
DBSC | Deaf-Blind Service Center | |
DCC | Day Care Center | |
DCFS | Division of Children and Family Services | |
DCP | Disabled Children's Program | |
DCS | Division of Child Support | |
DDA | Developmental Disabilities Administration | |
DDD | Division of Developmental Disabilities | |
DDO | Developmental Disability Ombuds | |
DHH | Deaf and Hard of Hearing | |
DOH | Department of Health | |
DSHS | Department of Social and Health Services | |
DV | Domestic Violence | |
DVR | Division of Vocational Rehabilitation | |
E | ||
EA-Z | Eligibility A-Z Manual | |
EBT | Electronic Benefits Transfer | |
ECEAP | Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program | |
EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer | |
EOMB | Explanation of Medical Benefits | |
ePOC | Electronic Plan of Correction | |
EPSDT | Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment | |
ESA | Economic Services Administration | |
ESF | Enhanced Services Facility | |
ESH | Eastern State Hospital | |
ESIT | Early Support for Infants and Toddlers | |
ETR | Exception to Rule | |
EVV | Electronic Visit Verification | |
F | ||
FAE | Fetal Alcohol Effect | |
FAP | Food Assistance Program | |
FAS | Fetal Alcohol Syndrome | |
FBR | Federal Benefit Rate | |
FC | Foster Care | |
FCRN | Foster Care Resource Network | |
FDAA | Federal Disaster Assistance Administration | |
FDP | Food Distribution Program | |
FFH | Family Foster Homes | |
FFK | Family for Kids | |
FH | Foster Home | |
FHSS | Family Homes Support Services | |
FIT | Family Integrated Treatment | |
FM | Field Manager | |
FMLA | Family Medical Leave Act | |
FORS | Felony Offender Reporting System | |
FPAWS | Foster Parents Association of Washington State | |
FPC | Family Policy Council | |
FPL | Federal Poverty Level | |
FR | First Responder | |
FRC | Family Resources Coordination | |
FRS | Family Reconciliation Services | |
FSAS | Food Stamp Accounting System | |
FSO | Field Services Office | |
FUP | Family Unity Program | |
G | ||
GAL | Guardian Ad Litem | |
GAN | General Assistance Non-continuing | |
GA-H | General Assistance - Children with a Legal Guardian | |
GA-P | General Assistance - Pregnancy | |
GA-U | General Assistance - Unemployable | |
GA-X | General Assistance - Expedited Medicaid | |
GH | Group Home | |
GTH | Group Therapy Home | |
GIA | Grant-in-aid | |
H | ||
HBS | Home Based Services | |
HCA | Health Care Authority | |
HCBS | Home and Community-Based Services | |
HCDA | Housing and Community Development | |
HCS | Home & Community Services | |
HCSO | Home & Community Services Office | |
HEN | Housing and Essential Needs | |
HFW | Health Field Worker | |
HH | Household | |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act | |
HLA-WA | Hearing Loss Association of Washington | |
HQ | Headquarters | |
HUD | Housing and Urban Development | |
HWD | Healthcare for Workers with Disabilities | |
I | ||
ICF | Intermediate Care Facility | |
ICF/IID | Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities | |
ICM | Infant Case Management | |
ICMS | Inclusive Case Management System | |
ICS | Integrated Client System | |
ICW | Indian Child Welfare | |
ICWA | Indian Child Welfare Act | |
ICWAC | Indian Child Welfare Advisory Committee | |
IEP | Individualized Education Program | |
IEVS | Income and Eligibility Verification System | |
IFG | Individual and Family Grant | |
IFSP | Individualized Family Service Plan | |
IHHCR | Intensive Home Health Care Review | |
IHP | Individual Habilitation Plan | |
IJ | Immediate Jeopardy | |
IL | Independent Living | |
ILP | Independent Living Plan | |
ILR | Independent Living Rehabilitation | |
IP | Intensive Parole | |
IP | Individual Provider (Home Care Worker) | |
IPAC | Indian Policy Advisory Council | |
IPSA | Intensive Parole Supervision Assessment | |
IR | Incident Report | |
IS | Initiating State | |
IS | Institutionalized Spouse | |
ISFP | Individual Family Service Plan | |
ISP | Individual Service Plan | |
ISSD | Information System Services Division | |
ITA | Involuntary Treatment Act | |
IVES | Income Verification Eligibility System | |
IWW | Immediate Wage Withholding | |
J | ||
JC | Juvenile Court | |
JCA | Juvenile Court Administrator | |
JPC | Juvenile Parole Counselor | |
JRA | Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration | |
JSC | Job Service Center | |
JTP | Job Training and Placement | |
JTPA | Job Training Partnership Act | |
L | ||
LBW | Low Birth Weight | |
LC | Learning Center | |
LEAP | Legislative Evaluation and Accountability Program | |
LEP | Limited English Proficiency | |
LES | Limited English Speaking | |
LICWAC | Local Indian Child Welfare Act Committee | |
LIHEAA | Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act | |
LKA | Last Known Address | |
LKE | Last Known Employer | |
LOS | Length of Stay | |
LPN | Licensed Practical Nurse | |
LSC | Life Safety Code | |
LSP | License Suspension Program | |
LTAP | Lifeline Telephone Assistance Program | |
LTC | Long-Term Care | |
LTCOP | Long-Term Care Ombuds Program | |
LTSCP | Long-Term Care Survey Process | |
LTSS | Long-Term Services and Supports | |
LUA | Limited Utility Allowance | |
M | ||
MAC | Medicaid Alternative Care | |
MACSC | Medical Assistance Customer Service Center | |
MB | Management Bulletin | |
MBO | Management by Objective | |
MBR | Master Beneficiary Record | |
MCH | Maternal Child Health | |
MCO | Managed Care Organization | |
MDA | Monthly Deduction Amount | |
MDS | Minimum Data Set | |
MDT | Multi-Disciplinary Team | |
MEDS | Medical Eligibility Determination Services | |
MER | Medicaid Eligibility Rate | |
MERQ | Medicaid Extension Quarterly Report | |
MFCD | Medicaid Fraud Control Division | |
MH | Mental Health | |
MHCTS | Mental Health Client Tracking System | |
MHD | Mental Health Division | |
MHI | Mental Health Institution | |
MHIIS | Mental Health Institutional Information System | |
MHOC | Mental Health Oversight Committee | |
MHP | Mental Health Professional | |
MHSIP | Mental Health Statistical Improvement Project | |
MHT | Mental Health Transformation | |
MI | Mentally Illness | |
MIO | Mentally Ill Offender | |
MLR | Minimum Licensing Requirements | |
MMIS | Medicaid Management Information System | |
MN | Medically Needy | |
MOS | Month of Service | |
MQT | Medicaid Qualifying Trust | |
MSP | Medicare Savings Program | |
MSR | Monthly Status Report | |
MSS | Maternity Support Services | |
MSW | Master of Social Work | |
MTD | Medicaid Transformation Demonstration | |
N | ||
NA | Nursing Assistant | |
NAC | Nursing Assistant, certified | |
NAFS | Non-Assistance Food Stamps | |
NAPS | Non-assistance Payment System | |
NAR | Nursing Assistant, registered | |
NATCEP | Nurse Assistant Training, Competency and Evaluation Program | |
NCP | Non-custodial Parent | |
NCSA | National and Community Service Act | |
ND | Nurse Delegation | |
NDVR | Non-Disabled Vocational Rehabilitation | |
NF | Nursing Facility | |
NH | Nursing Home | |
NIAAA | National Institute Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism | |
NICU | Neonatal Intensive Care Unit | |
NIDA | National Institute on Drug Abuse | |
NSCA | National and Community Service Act | |
O | ||
ODHH | Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | |
OFM | Office of Financial Management | |
OFR | Office of Financial Recovery | |
OI | Orthopedically Impaired | |
OIS | Office of Diversity and Inclusion | |
OIS | Office of Information Systems | |
OJT | On-the-Job Training | |
OJJ | Office of Juvenile Justice | |
ORIA | Office of Refugee & Immigrant Assistance | |
P | ||
PACE | Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly | |
PALS | Program for Alternative Living Skills | |
PDC | Public Disclosure Coordinator | |
PIO | Public Information Officer | |
POC | Plan of Correction | |
PPFH | Permanency Planning Foster Home | |
PPO | Preferred Provider Organization | |
Q | ||
QA | Quality Assurance | |
QDRO | Qualified Domestic Relations Order | |
QDWI | Qualified Disabled and Working Individual (S04) | |
QI | Qualified Individual | |
QIs | Quality Indicators | |
QMB | Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (S03) | |
QMRP | Qualified Mental Retardation Professional | |
QOC | Quarter of Coverage | |
QP | Qualified Parent | |
R | ||
RA | Refugee Assistance, Regional Administrator |
RAC | Regional Advisory Committee | |
RAP | Refugee Assistance Program | |
RCA | Refugee Cash Assistance | |
RCL | Roads to Community Living | |
RCS | Residential Care Services | |
RCW | Revised Code of Washington | |
RDA | Research and Data Analysis | |
RHC | Residential Habilitation Center | |
RIF | Reduction in Force | |
RM | Regional Manager | |
RMA | Refugee Medical Assistance | |
RPAU | Rules & Policies Assistance Unit | |
RSA | Rehabilitative Services Administration | |
RSN | Regional Support Network | |
RSO | Registered Sex Offender | |
RTW | Returned To Work | |
S | ||
SCAN | State Controlled Area Network | |
SCC | Special Commitment Center | |
SCHIP | State Childrens Health Insurance Program | |
SCOA | State Council on Aging | |
SDR | Service Delivery Redesign | |
SFM | State Fire Marshal | |
SIDS | Sudden Infant Death Syndrome | |
SL | Supported Living | |
SLIM | Sign Language Interpreter Management | |
SME | Subject Matter Expert | |
SNF | Skilled Nursing Facility | |
SNG | State Need Grant | |
SOD | Statement of Deficiency | |
SOLA | State Operated Living Alternative | |
SOM | State Operations Manual | |
SOP | Sex Offender on Parole | |
SOP | Sex Offender Program | |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure | |
SS | Suspended Sentence | |
SSA | Social Security Administration | |
SSI | Supplemental Security Income | |
SSP | State Supplemental Income Payment | |
SSPS | Social Services Payment System | |
SW | Social Worker | |
T | ||
TANF | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families | |
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury | |
TBJ | Traumatic Brain Injury | |
TCARE | Tailored Caregiver Assessment and Referral | |
TCU or TCC | Transitional Care Unit or Transitional Care Center | |
TIVA | Tracking Incidents of Vulnerable Adults | |
TLA | Teen Living Assessment | |
TLR | Temporary Lawful Resident Alien | |
TPR | Termination of Parental Rights | |
TSOA | Tailored Supports for Older Adults | |
TV | Temporary Visiting Rights | |
TVR | Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation | |
U | ||
UC | Unemployment Compensation | |
UIFSA | Uniform Interstate Family Support Act | |
UM | Unmarried Mother | |
UME | Unusual Medical Expenses | |
UTL | Unable to Locate | |
V | ||
VAWA | Violence Against Women Act | |
VDHS | Veteran Directed Home Services | |
VDV | Victim of Domestic Violence | |
VOCA | Victims of Crime Act | |
VR | Vocational Rehabilitation | |
VSA | Victim of Sexual Assault (or Abuse) | |
VW | Victim/Witness | |
VWPRIOR | Victim Witness Notification Prior to Release | |
W | ||
WAC | Washington Administrative Code | |
WAR | Warrant | |
WH | Warrant Hold | |
WIC | Women, Infants and Children program | |
WPAS | Washington Protection and Advocacy System | |
WSH | Western State Hospital | |
WSP | Washington State Patrol | |
WSPCJJ | Washington State Partnership Council on Juvenile Justice, formerly Governors Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee | |
WTAP | Washington Telephone Assistance Program | |
X | ||
Y | ||
YCR | Youth Competency Report | |
YSR | Youth Self Report (Kid screen) |