What is Welfare Fraud in Washington State?

Welfare Fraud is fraud against the programs of the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), including unlawful practices in obtaining cash assistance, medical assistance, and/or food assistance. It is the intentional misstatement or failure to reveal information affecting eligibility resulting in an overpayment. For further information about fraud against DSHS, please review the Eligibility A-Z Manual Fraud Section, or see the entire EAZ Manual.

The Office of Fraud and Accountability (OFA) has the authority to investigate the following allegations:

Unreported Employment: The client is suspected of not reporting employment.

Unearned Income: The client is suspected of not reporting the receipt of recurring income not derived from employment.

Unreported Assets: The client is suspected of having one or more of the following assets: Real estate, vehicles, boats, motor homes, non-recurring monetary holdings, etc.

Unreported Child Support: The client is suspected of receiving unreported child support payments.

Unreported Marriage: The client is suspected of not reporting a marriage that may affect the grant amount.

Absent Parent in Home: The client is suspected of not reporting the presence of an absent parent in the home. This includes stepparents.

Child Out of Home: The client is suspected of applying for or receiving benefits for a child not present in the home.

Household Composition: The client is suspected of receiving assistance for an ineligible dependent or has not accurately reported the correct number of persons living in the household.

Address Verification: The client is suspected of not reporting their address information correctly.

Duplicate Grants: The client is suspected of applying for or receiving grants under multiple names.

False Identity: The client is suspected of submitting false identification to apply for or obtain a grant; or may be working under a false identity.

Felony Drug Conviction/Warrant: The client is suspected of having a felony drug conviction after August 26, 1996, or is wanted on an outstanding felony warrant, which would make the client ineligible for welfare benefits.

Child Care Fraud: The client is suspected of improperly receiving child care payments or reporting a false provider.

EBT Fraud: The client is suspected of fraudulently using their Quest card or allowing their Quest card to be used by an unauthorized person.

Other: The client is suspected of any other improper procedure not covered by the other categories.

Washington State Welfare Fraud Hotline: 1-800-562-6906

OFA investigates Welfare Fraud in the state of Washington. The word Welfare is used to include: Public Assistance programs and benefits; food stamps; Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); Quest card, which is used for Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT); and Childcare benefits.

For additional questions or if you are Law Enforcement, you can leave a message, and your call will be returned within 24 hours at 360-664-5505.