The child in my care was court ordered or recommended to receive a specific service, but it has yet to be set up. Who do I contact to start the service?

Any time a child has been referred for services, or if you believe the child needs a specific service, the first step is a discussion with the child’s case worker. The delay could be related to service availability, additional steps needed or busy caseloads.

Referrals can sometimes be overlooked so don’t hesitate to ask the case worker about the service. If you haven’t received information about the start of the service after contacting the assigned case worker, you can contact the worker’s supervisor for assistance. The Area Administrator (AA) and then the Deputy Regional Administrator (DRA) are the next steps in the chain of command within CA. Caregivers should not be worried about approaching a supervisor, AA or DRA for help in getting services for a child. Use this link to access our staff directories: 

Shared Planning Meetings are a good opportunity for you to participate in the development of a plan for services or supports for a child and to hear about progress and next steps in the case. These meetings are also to establish case and services timeframes and assign tasks. 

Monthly Health and Safety visits with the assigned case worker are another opportunity to discuss the child’s well-being and permanency goals, including any supports or services needed.