How to apply for a Nursing Home Medicaid Contract

If you would like to become Contracted to provide care to Medicaid clients, you will need to inform your licensor, during the licensing process. When the facility license is issued and Medicaid certification is approved, the licensing unit will forward a Contract request to the Nursing Facility Services (NFS) Contract Manager.

At that time, the Contract Manager will send a request to the Contractor to prepare and return the following required forms:

Note: Please do not return these forms until they are requested by the Contract Manager.

Once the forms are completed and returned, the Contract Manager will enter the information into the Contracts Database and a Federal validation will be completed for all staff with management, ownership or controlling interest.  After the validation is completed, a facility Contract will be prepared and forwarded to the Contractor for signature. The Contract is then signed by both parties and the facility is approved to accept Medicaid clients.

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Medicaid Contracts
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