
Washington Advocates of Deaf & Hard of Hearing - Vancouver

Serving Clark, Cowlitz, Lewis, Pacific, Skamania and Wahkiakum counties.

301 SE Hearthwood Blvd 
Vancouver, WA 98684 

Video Phone: (360) 334-5740
Toll Free: 1-866-695-6777 
Voice: (360) 314-6971
TTY: (360) 695-9720
FAX:  (360) 695-2706
Email: grs@wadhh.org
Website: https://www.wadhh.org/

Deaf-Blind Service Center

Serving Deaf-Blind throughout Puget Sound and statewide through other centers.

1620 18th Ave., Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98122
Angela Theriault, Executive Director
Voice: (206) 323-9178
TTY: (206) 323-3644
FAX: (206) 328-8497
Video Phone: (206) 455-7932
Email: info@seattledbsc.org
Website: seattledbsc.org