December 12, 2013_ALF "Dear Administrator" Letter

December 12, 2013

ALTSA:  ALF #2013-024
Background Check Results Letter
 effective January 6, 2014

Dear Assisted Living Facility Administrator:

We are writing to inform you that providers will see revisions to the background check results letters beginning January 6, 2014.  The revisions are necessary to comply with federal law and to clarify requester and applicant responsibilities. 

The Background Check Central Unit has changed the fingerprint interim letter, and the final fingerprint letter to clearly identify whether the fingerprint result is an interim or final result.

The changes are as follows:

  • "Interim Result Letter – A Washington State name and date of birth background check was completed. When the fingerprint check is complete, a final result letter will be sent to you."


  • "Final Result Letter – A fingerprint check was completed."

All results letters will have additional clarifying language in the notification box, requester responsibilities, and applicant responsibilities. A summary of the revisions is enclosed and can also be accessed online at: under the heading "Background Checks". 

If you have any questions, please contact the BCCU at (360) 902-0299.


E. Irene Owens, Interim Director
Residential Care Services
