CSTC Psychiatric Child Care Counselors

Psychiatric Child Care Counselors

Psychiatric child care counselors are members of the treatment team that assist patients daily in achieving their individualized treatment goals and implementing their individualized treatment plans. Implementation of the treatment plan may include teaching new skills during a soccer game by helping a child practice controlling their anger when playing with another child. It may be to help a child learn to communicate their needs in a way others will want to respond. PCCs are there to provide patients with coaching when they are having a hard time coping on their own. These counselors also help patients practice the skillful behavior that they learn about during therapy groups. The different roles of psychiatric care counselors at CSTC include:

  • Primary Counselor (PCCC1) — Each patient is assigned a PCCC who serves as their primary for each shift. This is the PCCC who works most closely with the patient, their family and other members of their treatment team. The primary works with patients to decrease target behaviors and develop more skillful actions. They work with them to create each patient’s safety plan and provide the treatment team with input for treatment plan reviews. The Primary will also have weekly contact with guardians to notify them of patients progress in treatment.
  • Shift Leads (PCCC2) — Each shift has a shift lead. They are the members of the treatment team who make staffing assignments for each shift and help to make sure treatment plans are being followed. Leads work closely with primary counselors to keep the cottage safe and make the shift run smooth. The leads listen to their patients to understand their concerns and ideas and help reach their treatment goals. When necessary, shift leads help patients make a suggestion or file a grievance.
  • Cottage Supervisor (PCCC3) — Each cottage has a supervisor. The cottage supervisor is a member of the treatment team who supervises the counseling staff and makes sure everyone is working together to help each patient with their treatment plan. This person works closely with the program director, treatment team, leadership on the other two cottages and hospital leadership to make sure patients are safe and cared for at CSTC. 

The cottages are staffed 24/7, so three complete staffing teams are needed for the five-day work week. In addition, adequate staff is needed to address every hour of every weekend and holiday. The idea is to ensure the safety of all parties, provide consistency in direction and example and provide fair and mature supervision with very smooth transitions between changes in shifts.