CSO Profiles

Aug 2005 |
Online Library
Birth and Unintended Pregnancy Statistics for Community Services Offices, 1991 to 2002

This study provides characteristics of female populations in their typical child-bearing years, from age 15 to age 44, residing within Department of Social and Health Services Community Services Office boundaries. The study finds the statewide birth rate for women 15-44 decreased by 9% between 1991-92 and 2001-02. The birth rate for young women, age 15-24, decreased by 24%, and birth rates for older women, 25-44, were essentially the same. Birth rates for most CSOs are close to the statewide rate of 60.5 per 1000 in 2001-02. Five CSOs are distinguished by birth rates of greater than 90 per 1000. These CSOs had three factors in common: very high rates of poverty, low educational attainment, and a high proportion of births to Hispanic women. Findings suggests that the community where people reside, its values, and beliefs, may be a greater influence on birth rates than income per se. Authors emphasize the importance of considering community values and cultural differences in family planning activities.

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