Vocational Rehabilitation Needs Assessment: Opinions of Employers, Staff and Clients about How to Improve Vocational Support Services

Aug 2009 |
Online Library

As part of a comprehensive planning process to improve services, develop a broader employer base, and improve outcomes, surveys were conducted with employers, staff and clients on the practices and efforts that each group identified as most important for improving employment opportunities and ensuring success for DVR clients. Between 50 and 60 percent of the employers who responded said accommodations (tools, technology, and supports) for DVR clients, support from DVR following job placement, and internships and job coaching opportunities for DVR clients would help them hire or retain an employee with a disability. DVR staff felt the services that contribute most to client success are Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) services and benefits planning. DVR staff also emphasized building and improving relationships with local employers, and developing staff and contracting with job developers to make placements in higher wage jobs. Although DVR client satisfaction ratings were high in several areas, including provision of information by DVR staff, over one-third of clients said they did not get DVR services as quickly as they needed them. Clients suggested improvements in timeliness, training and assistance after job placement, and internship and other educational and training opportunities.

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