2017 DSHS News Releases

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Dorothy Sawyer retiring, DSHS announces interim CEO for Eastern State Hospital

Mar 12 2018

DSHS Office of Communications, Kelly Stowe, (360) 902-7739

OLYMPIA – The Department of Social and Health Services today announced that Mark Kettner will be the interim Chief Executive Officer for Eastern state Hospital (ESH) effective April 1, 2018.

Kettner will be stepping into the position after current CEO, Dorothy Sawyer, retires from state service at the end of this month to pursue other opportunities.

Sawyer who has been at the helm of Eastern August 2013 and oversaw the continued journey of the hospital towards excellence, which ...read the full news release

OLYMPIA-The Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) has scheduled a public hearing in Pierce County to receive comments on plans for a new substance use disorder treatment program Friday, March 30.

The proposed services from this new treatment program will improve access to essential health care for people in Pierce County who are dependent on opioids, such as heroin and OxyContin. 

The proposed program, Northwest Integrated Health, is requesting to operate at 3727 ...read the full news release

Rainier School residents take center stage at Fashion Show

Mar 05 2018

DSHS Office of Communications, Lisa Copeland, (360) 902-7844


fashion show

WHAT:          Residents and staff at Rainier School in Buckley have been creating outfits, selecting songs and priming for the residential habilitation center’s third annual fashion show ...read the full news release

Registration open for 17th Annual Saying It Out Loud Conference

Mar 01 2018

DSHS Office of Communications, Kelly Stowe, (360) 902-7739

OLYMPIA – The 17th Annual Saying It Out Loud Conference will occur April 23, 2018 at the Greater Tacoma Convention and Trade Center.

This all-day conference, hosted by the Department of Social and Health Services’ (DSHS) Behavioral Health Administration’s (BHA) Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR) educates  how to better serve lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer and questioning plus communities.

This year’s keynote speaker is ...read the full news release

DSHS names new Assistant Secretary for Behavioral Health Administration

Feb 27 2018

DSHS Office of Communications, Kelly Stowe, (360) 902-7739

OLYMPIA – The Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) announced today that Ken Taylor is the new Assistant Secretary for the Behavioral Health Administration (BHA).

Taylor is taking over the role previously held by Carla Reyes, who is leaving DSHS after 20 years, almost three of which leading BHA, to pursue other opportunities.

“We are so grateful for the leadership from Carla Reyes over the Behavioral Health Administration for the past three years,” said Cheryl Strange ...read the full news release