Alternatives if a Person is Not Eligible for the Specialized Dementia Care Program

Some Assisted Living Facilities also provide care to people with dementia paying privately for their care. All Assisted Living Facilities in Washington are licensed and must follow certain state rules when providing care to people with dementia. Read these state rules.

There are also other types of residential care facilities besides Assisted Living Facilities that offer care for people with dementia. Learn more or find other residential care options.

Your local Senior Information and Assistance Office (I & A) is a great resource to help you sort out your options. Learn more about what I & A can do for you. Find your local I & A office.

In-home Care Services

It may also be possible to get the care and services the person needs at home. Learn more about the types of in-home services that may be available.

The Alzheimer’s Association has a free on-line tool called CareFinder to help people with Alzheimer’s and their families identify the right care options for the individual.

With CareFinder you enter information about the person’s needs, abilities, and preferences. CareFinder then generates a private, customized printout with recommendations and questions to ask when screening a residential care facility (or caregiver).