July 9, 2012_ICF/ID Letters

July 9, 2012

ADSA:  ICF/IID #2012-002

Dear ICF/IID Superintendent:

This letter contains important information regarding upcoming changes to the Complaint Resolution Unit (CRU) Hotline script.  Residential Care Services (RCS) will be implementing a new automated system to manage information and complete intake reports received by the CRU.  In anticipation of fully and effectively implementing this new system, RCS has revised some of the complaint hotline "script" questions that you and your staff answer when making an official facility report or a mandated report.  Please review and share this information as needed. 

Effective July 23, 2012 hotline callers will be required to respond to the revised questions.  To assist you in this process, we are enclosing a copy of the revised script along with a worksheet that you may opt to use as a training tool or to complete as a guide when making your report.

The script revisions are relatively minor and are intended to gather more complete information at the time of the initial report. As a result, the "follow-up" report option will no longer be offered.  Highlights of requested information that may be new or changed include:

  • Additional details regarding clients/residents named in the report including middle initial, date of birth, gender, and ADSA Identification (if known); 
  • Date and time the allegation/incident was first reported to supervisors. (This is in addition to the original request or the date and time the incident was alleged to have occurred).
  • Resident mental status, ambulatory status and transfer status descriptors are taken from the MDS assessment.  Refer to the enclosed worksheet for a list of options for each status type.  

The script and worksheet are posted on the ADSA website at http://www.adsa.dshs.wa.gov/Professional/icfid.htm

Do not delay calling in a report because you do not have all of the information.  Reporting timeline requirements have not changed.

Please contact your RCS Field Manager if you have any questions.


Joyce Pashley Stockwell, Director
Residential Care Services
