Washington State Youth Treatment Implementation (WSYT-I) Program: Final Evaluation Report

Jun 2019 |
Online Library

This report describes the outcomes of the Washington State Youth Treatment Implementation (WSYT-I) Program. Funded by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) from 2016 through 2019, the program provided evidence-based standardized assessment (GAIN) and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment (A-CRA), in conjunction with care coordination and recovery support services to youth (age 12-18) with SUD diagnosis, including those with co-occurring mental health needs. Self-reported results from post-enrollment interviews indicated that WSYT-I participants had increased rates of abstinence, reduced criminal justice involvement, and experienced fewer health, behavioral health, or social consequences from alcohol and drug use six months after enrollment. Youth who received WSTY-I and similar services were more likely to complete treatment than a statistically matched group of comparison youth who shared similar baseline characteristics to WSYT-I participants. Participation in WSYT-I or similar services also led to increased utilization of SUD outpatient and case management services.  We did not find statistically significant differences between the WSYT-I and comparison youth in medical utilization, criminal justice involvement, and employment outcomes.

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