Affirmative Action

The Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) is Washington's largest governmental agency, with 19,000 employees. Our labor partners include the Washington Federation of State Employees, Service Employees International Union, and the Coalition. The Department's Executive Leadership Team is emphasizing increasing the diversity of our workforce to include veterans and people with disabilities, and to develop leadership among our existing and future workforce.

DSHS Administrative Policies Related to Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action Laws and Rules

357-01-005  - Affected groups

357-01-010  - Affirmative action program

357-01-115  - Disabled veteran

357-01-235  - Persons with disabilities

357-01-350  - Underutilization

357-01-355  - Vietnam era veteran

Washington Laws and Regulations

Chapter 49.74.005 RCW   Legislature’s Findings regarding Affirmative Action

RCW Chapter 41.06.150   Rule making mandatory subjects

RCW Chapter 41.06.530   WA state policy on diversity in state government

RCW Chapter 41.06.500   AA rules for Executive Cabinet Agency Managers

RCW Chapter 43.43.340   WA State Patrol’s AA in hiring for state troopers

RCW Chapter 49.60.400   WA Law Against Discrimination 

Chapter 357-25 WAC   Guidance to employers on affirmative action

Executive Order 96-04 (PDF) Implementing the ADA

Executive Order 89-01 (PDF) Implementing the WA state Sexual Harassment Policy

Executive Order 12-02 (PDF)  Diversity and Inclusion