Performance Metrics

Click on one of the Administrations listed below to see more detailed versions of the charts found in that Administration's Strategic Plan.

Here are some hints about using the METRICS PDF documents


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1. Don't use your browser's BACK button. If you click on it, you will return to this page.


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2. Each metrics PDF document has its own hyperlink navigation. Please, use the blue links in the document.


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To view this document, you will need the latest version of Adobe PDF Reader

4. To view this document, you will need the latest version of Adobe PDF Reader. Click here to download a free copy of Adobe Reader


5. Each Core Metric has a link to tata tables and notes in the lower left-hand corner. You will need Excel or an Excel viewer to view these files

5. Each Core Metric has a link to data tables and notes in the lower left-hand corner. You will need Excel or an Excel viewer to view these files. Click here to download a free copy of Excel Viewer.