ALTSA Provider/Administrator Letters

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Provider Type Letter Date Subject Status(asc) Notes
ALF 020-044 09/21/2020 CR-101 Filed to Consider Rulemaking: WAC 388-78A-2371 Investigations, WAC 388-78A-2360 Adult Day Services Current
ALF 021-011 02/18/2021 Standing Order for COVID-19 Screening in Certain Congregate Facilities, Homes and Agencies Current
ESF 021-046 09/17/2021 COVID-19, Influenza and Pneumococcal Reminder Current
ALF -22-029 08/03/2022 Medical Test Site Waiver Regulatory Requirements Current
ESF 024-007 03/08/2024 Critical Staffing Management in LTC Settings Update Current
CCRSS 018-001 01/05/2018 Formal Phase of Proposed Amendments to Chapter 3881-101 WAC Current
NH 021-037 05/06/2021 Changes to WSP RAP Sheet Current
ESF 020-047 11/18/2020 Reminder to Allow Health Care Provider Visits Current
ESF 022-002 01/10/2022 Updates from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Washington State Department of Health Current
CCRSS 020-016 04/30/2020 Minor or Simple Edits to Statements of Deficiencies Current
AFH 013-008 05/28/2013 Medical Emergencies Current
CCRSS 022-030 11/09/2022 CR-103E Filed to Extend Emergency Rule Amending CCRSS Requirements for Certification Evaluations Current
ESF 016-006 07/14/2016 Services to Enable Accessible Communication with People Who are Deaf, Deaf-Blind, Hard of Hearing or Speech Disabled Current
NH 015-008 03/17/2015 Nursing Assistant Registry Inquiry Form Current
ICFIID 021-001 01/20/2021 LTC Resident Rights and the COVID-19 Vaccine Current
CCRSS 025-002 02/07/2025 Increased Regulatory Focus by Office of the State Fire Marshal Current
NH 021-058 07/22/2021 Resuming On-Site HCS Client Visits Current
NH 022-028 05/05/2022 QSO-22-15-NH & NLTC & LSC Announcing Discontinuation of Several Waivers in 30 and 60 Day Current
CCRSS 019-006 09/20/2019 Influenza & Pneumococcal Reminder Current
AFH 023-038 11/03/2023 Implementation of House Bill 1694: Changes to Long-Term Care Worker Eligibility, Training and Certification Current
ESF 024-021 07/12/2024 Upcoming Training Opportunity: Substance Use Disorder 101 Current
CCRSS 023-010 04/14/2023 Rapid Response Teams for Short-Term Staffing in Long-Term Care Setting Current
NH 017-012 05/10/2017 Elimination of Hard Copy Letters Current
CCRSS 020-036 11/13/2020 POSTPONED: RCS Reimplementation of Inspection and Investigation Activities Current
