Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to DSHS Facilities, Finance and Analytics Administration's Frequently Asked Questions! Below you may search by topics such as information for bidders and question about our Language Testing and Certification Program, and Background Checks.

The Interim Fingerprint Check Notification is a preliminary notification in the Fingerprint-based background check process.  The Interim Fingerprint Check Notification is provided once a Washington State Name and Date of Birth Check is completed prior to the applicant being fingerprinted.  Based on the Interim Fingerprint Check Notification results, take the appropriate action.  If the Applicant/Employee is NOT disqualified and you wish to complete the fingerprint-based check, the applicant MUST schedule the fingerprinting appointment as soon as possible after receiving the Interim Fingerprint Check Notification. The Interim is NOT the final Fingerprint Result Notification. 


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BCCU currently issues 4 different result notifications.

  1. No Record – None of the background check data sources reported criminal or negative action records that disqualify the applicant from having unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults and there are no background check records to be reviewed.
  2. Review Required – One or more of the background check data sources reported criminal or negative action records that are not listed on the oversight program’s list of disqualifying crimes and negative actions.  The authorized entity must determine whether or not the applicant can work in a position that may have unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults by: (a) completing a Character, Competence, and Suitability (CC&S) review; and (b) documenting and  retaining the decision as required by the DSHS oversight program.  BCCU does not accept or retain any CC&S review documentation.
  3. Disqualify  One or more of the background check data sources reported criminal or negative action records that are on the oversight program’s list of disqualifying crimes and negative actions and the applicant is disqualified from having unsupervised access to vulnerable adults, juveniles, and children.
  4. Additional Information Needed – You will receive this letter if there is an unclear crime or negative action that was reported by any of the sources that BCCU researches. BCCU will no longer send a Disqualify notification (ABC or Secretary’s List Letter) for unknown crimes and negative actions. Entities should not disqualify applicants based solely on the receipt of the Additional Information Needed Notification.

The Additional Information Needed Notification informs the facility requesting the background check that:

  1. The applicant needs to contact BCCU to provide additional information.
  2. The background check will be pending until the applicant provides the additional information.

The applicant cannot schedule a fingerprint appointment until they have provided additional information.

Your DSHS oversight program may have special requirements related to applicants who receive an additional information needed request.  Examples may include:

  1. The time limit that the applicant must provide the additional information,
  2. If the applicant will be allowed to have unsupervised access pending the final notification;
  3. And how the entity requesting the background check will notify the applicant that additional information is needed.

If you have questions about what you are required to do, contact the DSHS oversight program listed on the background check result notification.

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  1. The Department of Health has issued a final order finding or concluding the person abused, neglected, personally or financially exploited, or abandoned a minor or vulnerable adult;

  2. The person has entered into a stipulation or other agreement with the Department of Health in which the person admits he or she abused, neglected, personally or financially exploited, or abandoned a minor or vulnerable adult; or

  3. The person has had a certification or license issued by the Department of Health denied, terminated, revoked, suspended, or relinquished in lieu of discipline due to abuse, neglect, personal or financial exploitation or abandonment of a minor or vulnerable adult, and the licensing action has not been reversed by an administrative tribunal or a court.  This criterion applies regardless of whether or not the person’s license was later reinstated by Department of Health.

All other enforcement actions provided by Department of Health will be reported as a record and the DSHS oversight program may require a character, competence and suitability review by the entity who receives the background check.

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In addition to No Record, Review Required, and Disqualify Result Notifications requesters may also receive an Additional Information Needed Notification. Inquiries that are left in the Additional Information Needed status for 6 months will expire and BCCU will not be able to update that inquiry. If you have an applicant with an expired Additional Information inquiry, you will need to submit a new background check request for that applicant.

Entities should not disqualify applicants based solely on the receipt of the Additional Information Needed Notification.

Applicants who have received an Additional Information Notification from their employer and have not received their packet can request a copy of the packet using the Applicant Request for a Copy of Background Check Information Form Applicants cannot schedule a fingerprint appointment until they have provided the needed additional information.

An Additional Information Needed Notification will be issued if there is an unknown crime or negative action reported by any of the sources BCCU researches. BCCU no longer sends an ABC (Disqualify Result Notification) for unknown crimes and negative actions. The Additional Information Needed Notification informs the facility requesting the background check the following:

  1. The applicant needs to contact BCCU to provide additional information.

  2. The background check will be pending until the applicant provides the additional information.

Your DSHS oversight program may have special requirements related to applicants who receive an additional information needed request.  Examples may include:

  • The time limit that the applicant must provide the additional information;

  • If the applicant will be allowed to have unsupervised access pending the final notification;

  • And how the entity requesting the background check will notify the applicant that additional information is needed.

If you have questions about what you are required to do, contact the DSHS oversight program listed on the background check result notification.

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Background check results are only retrievable by the requesting entity through their Entity Home Page in the Background Check System.

If an entity needs a copy of a background check result that was completed prior to June 26, 2018, please contact BCCU. BCCU can only send results to the entity's fax or mailing address that is on their account.

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BCCU is only a provider of information. We do not decide whether an applicant can be hired or contracted. Please contact the DSHS program that is requiring you to conduct a background check for more information about how to use the information received in the background check result letter.

If you are required to complete Character, Competency and Suitability (CC&S) review, BCCU does not not accept or retain any CC&S review documentation. Please follow your oversight program’s policy on retaining your completed CC&S review.

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Background Checks completed or updated after 6/26/2018 - Entities can log in to the online Background Check System (BCS) to review and print prior result notifications.

Background Checks completed prior to 6/26/2018 - BCCU can resend the results to the mailing address or fax number that is listed in our system for your facility. Please contact BCCU to request another copy of the results.

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Contact BCCU by phone or email.  Provide your Inquiry ID/OCA number and the information that you feel is incorrect about the result, i.e. spelling, date of birth, record information etc. Depending on the possible error, BCCU staff may give you instructions to resubmit a new check through the Background Check System. 

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