ALTSA Provider/Administrator Letters

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Provider Type Letter Date Subject Status(desc) Notes
ALF 018-002 01/23/2018 Formal Phase of Proposed Amendments to Chapter 388-78A WAC Current
ALF 021-040 07/16/2021 Long-Term Care Proclamations Remain in Effect Current
ALF 023-020 06/09/2023 Update on RCS Transition to Paperless Work Use of Email an Fax to Submit Documents to RCS Current
ALF 014-017 11/06/2014 Antipsychotic Drug Use by Vulnerable Adults with Dementia Current
ALF 020-047 10/07/2020 COVID-19 Proclamations Extended Until 11:59 OM November 9, 2020 Current
ALF 019-010 06/21/2019 Provider Signatures on the CARE Service Summary Current
ALF 022-006 02/25/2022 Recall of Certain Bed Rails Current
ALF 024-021 07/12/2024 Guidance for 911 Outages Current
ALF 016-008 06/23/2016 Proposed Amendments to Chapter 388-78A WAC Current
ALF 021-010 02/18/2021 Travel Advisory/Restrictions and Governor's Proclamation 20-83 Current
ALF 022-035 09/15/2022 CARE Service Summary Current
ALF 013-011 06/13/2013 2013 Legislation: SHB 1629 - Home Care Aide Certification & LTC Worker Continuing Ed Requirements Current
ALF 020-018 04/16/2020 Support if the Provider or Administrator Becomes Ill with COVID-19 Current
ALF 018-003 02/28/2018 ALF Information Changes Current
ALF 021-041 07/22/2021 CR 103E Assisted Living Facility Rule Filing  Current
ALF 023-021 06/06/2023 Personal Care Exceptions to Rule Current
ALF 014-018 11/10/2014 Ebola Information Sharing Current
ALF 020-049 11/13/2020 POSTPONED: RCS Reimplementation of Inspection and Investigation Activities Current


ALF 019-011 07/12/2019 CR 103 (Permanent Rules) Filed for Chapter 388-78A WAC (Quality Assurance Committee) Current
ALF 022-007 02/25/2022 CR-103E Emergency Rules Extending Timelines for Completing Certain Resident Assessments Current
ALF 024-022 07/25/2024 Emergency Preparedness Considerations for Extreme Heat Current
ALF 016-009 07/06/2016 Behavioral Health Information & Resources Current
ALF 021-011 02/18/2021 Standing Order for COVID-19 Screening in Certain Congregate Facilities, Homes and Agencies Current
ALF 022-034 09/20/2022 COVID-19, Influenza and Pneumococcal Reminder Current
ALF 013-012 06/13/2013 2013 Legislation: SSB 5148 – Medication Access for Uninsured Current