ALTSA Provider/Administrator Letters

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Provider Type Letter Date Subject Status(desc) Notes
AFH 021-064 11/18/2021 Emergency Rules Suspending TB Testing Current
CCRSS 023-007 03/23/2023 RCS Transition to Paperless Work - Use of Electronic Fax to Delivery Notice - Project Closure Current
ESF 020-024 07/17/2020 COVID Testing Current
ESF 024-038 11/15/2024 Withdrawn and Refiled CR-101 to Propose Amending Sections of Chapter 388-76 WAC- AFH Minimum Licensing Requirements, Chapter 388-78A WAC- ALF Minimum Licensing Rules, and Chapter 388-107 WAC- Licensing Requirements for Enhanced Care Facilities Current
NH 019-012 06/14/2019 CR 101 Filed to Propose Amendments to Chapter 388-97 WAC (Geriatric Specialty Training) Current
NH 021-017 02/19/2021 CR-103E Filed to Extend Emergency Rules Amending NH Requirements for Disaster & Emergency Preparedness, Quality Assessment and Assurance and Resident Rooms Current
ALF 021-037 07/02/2021 Philips Product Recall, including CPAP, Bilevel Pap, and Mechanical Ventilators Current
NH 017-031 11/03/2017 Proposed Amendments to Chapter 388-97 WAC (Resident Assessment) Current
ESF 016-004 06/23/2016 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 388-107 Current
CCRSS 020-035 09/24/2020 Influenza and Pneumococcal Reminders Current
ALF 014-004 06/27/2014 Department Role Current
ESF 018-009 08/31/2018 CR 101 Filed: Proposed Amendments to Chapter 388-107 WAC (Background Checks) Current
CCRSS 024-002 02/08/2024 Infection Prevention Control and Emergency Preparedness Contacts and Roles Current
AFH 022-015 04/08/2022 AFH License Fee Increase for Seven and Eight Bed Capacity Applications Current
ALF 012-002 01/07/2012 Fingerprint-Based Background Checks Current
ALF 021-053 09/24/2021 BYD DE2322 and 3M 8210 Respirators Current
CCRSS 022-029 11/04/2022 Emergency Rules Filed to Amend LTC Worker Training & Home Care Aide Certification Requirements Current
AFH 020-019 04/30/2020 Minor or Simple Edits to Statements of Deficiencies Current
AFH 024-037 09/06/2024 Planned Department adjustment to paid claims Current
AFH 020-065 11/24/2020 AFH N95 RESPIRATOR DISTRIBUTION Current
CCRSS 021-001 01/20/2021 LTC Resident Rights and the COVID-19 Vaccine Current
ALF 021-028 05/14/2021 BYD DE2322 RESPIRATORS Current
NH 015-012 04/20/2015 Information Required When Informing RCS of New Administrator Current
CCRSS 015-007 08/31/2015 Flu & Pneumonia Immunization Reminder Current
CCRSS 022-020 08/25/2022 Proposed Amendment to WAC 388-101-3130, Certification Evaluation and Addition of New Section, WAC 388-101-31301, Certification Evaluation Timelines Current