ALTSA Provider/Administrator Letters

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Provider Type Letter Date Subject Status(desc) Notes
CCRSS 021-059 12/03/2021 CR-102 Filed to Propose Amendments to WAC 388-101-3000, Definitions, and -3020, Compliance (2SHB 1651) Current
ICFIID 024-004 02/22/2024 Notification to Providers of Important Candida Auris Information Current
NH 022-058 10/07/2022 Epidemic Preparedness and Response Guidelines Current
NH 021-053 07/02/2021 CR-101 Filed to Consider Amending Sections of Chapter 388-97 WAC, Nursing Homes Current
ICFIID 020-056 12/18/2020 QSO-21-07 ICF/IID COVID 19 INFECTION CONTROL Current
ICFIID 019-002 03/04/2019 Emergency Preparedness: Updates to Appendix Z of the State Operations Manual (SOM) Current
AFH 022-032 07/13/2022 National Core Indicators - Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD) Pilot Staff Stability Survey Current
CCRSS 012-004 06/12/2012 Managed Care Medical Program Current
CCRSS 024-018 05/24/2024 Certification Period and Certification Evaluations Current
ALF 016-005 03/04/2016 ALF Guidebook: Second Edition Current
CCRSS 018-007 06/11/2018 Behavioral Health Training Survey Current
ALF 020-046 09/25/2020 Long-Term Care Worker Certification Current
ESF 023-008 03/24/2023 RCS Transition to Paperless Work - Use of Electronic Fax to Delivery Notice - Project Closure Current
NH 014-004 06/27/2014 S&C 14-25-NH: Revised Guidance at F441 - Infection Control Single-Use Device (SUD) Reprocessing Current
CCRSS 021-012 02/26/2021 Monoclonal Antibody Infusion Treatment for COVID-19 Current
ALF 020-003 01/31/2020 CR 101 Filed to Propose Amending a Section of Chapter 388-78A WAC (Investigations) Current
ICFIID 020-015 04/27/2020 New Blanket Waivers for ICF/IID Facilities Current
AFH 014-002 03/07/2014 CR 102 Filed: Formal Phase of Proposed Amendments to Chapter 388-76 WAC (Background Checks) Current
NH 017-002 01/19/2017 Minimum Documentation & Review Standards for the Activities of Daily Living Coded on the Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 Current
AFH 021-054 09/28/2021 Implementation of Vaccine Mandate Requirements and Review Current
CCRSS 021-025 05/14/2021 BYD DE2322 RESPIRATORS Current
AFH 020-067 12/02/2020 Proclamation 20-25.8: LTC Visitation Standards & Fitness Facilities Current

Amended 1/4/2021

NH 015-028 08/06/2015 Revision to S&C 14-42-NH Current
ICFIID 022-010 04/27/2022 QSO-22-15-NH & NLTC & LSC Update to COVID-19 Emergency Declaration Blanket Waivers for Specific Providers Current
ESF 020-027 08/06/2020 Order of the Secretary of Health 20-03.1 Face Coverings – Statewide Current