On demand Medicare 101 Training

On demand Medicare 101 Trainings 2023

  1. Medicare 101: Serves as the foundation for all other Medicare related topics. 101 reviews the basics of Medicare to include: eligibility - aging into Medicare or on Medicare due to disability, applying for Medicare, the different parts of Medicare A, B, C, D and, what does each cover, Medicare enrollment periods. https://youtu.be/ojB8fwUa2sU
  2. Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs): Can provide assistance with Medicare premium costs, co-payments, deductibles, and co-insurance for eligible individuals entitled to Medicare. https://youtu.be/iiCjMjF8K0I
  3. Applying for Medicare & Medicare Buy-In: https://youtu.be/qea7TLVFV-4
  4. Durable Medical Equipment (DME):  https://youtu.be/9ZBoAy5f9tY
  5. Hospice: https://youtu.be/lMeCAoEYfAs
  6. Medicare Part D (prescription drug coverage) and Extra Help aka Limited Income subsidy (LIS): https://youtu.be/x7c4leHHCS8
  7. Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans, Dual Eligibility and Medicare Savings Programs

Training Contacts

Contact Vanessa.sherrill@dshs.wa.gov AMMI Program Manager for questions regarding the AMMI Medicare 101 training series, training suggestions or questions regarding site content.