Supported Living, Group Training Home, and Group Home Rates and Reimbursement Documents

If you have any questions about rates please contact Ken Callaghan, Developmental Disabilities Rates Section Manager, at (360) 280-6516 or  


2024 Cost Reporting requirements related to COVID-19

For 2024, agencies are to report expense and revenue related to COVID-19 as noted below.

  • All COVID ISS payroll related expenses are reported on Schedule B, Column M, Gross Payroll Other Compensation. COVID ISS payroll related expenses include overtime during the state of emergency, additional staffing needed due to a home with a positive case, higher hourly rate for hazard pay, etc.
  • All COVID related Admin Non-Staff expenses are reported on Schedule C, Line 7, Other Non-ISS Client Related Expenses such as supplies.
  • All COVID revenue dollars (temporary rate increase) are reported on Schedule D, Line 2, Other Operating Revenue.

For additional questions, please contact your cost reimbursement analyst:

Region 1
Tod Johnson

Region 2 North, Region 3 North, and Agencies A-L
Michelle Andis

Region 2 South
David Carter

Region 3 South, Region 3 North, and Agencies M-Z
Tammy Paulk


Community Residential Staffing Results