ALTSA Provider/Administrator Letters

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Provider Type(desc) Letter Date Subject Status Notes
ALF 022-027 07/12/2022 Personal Care Services Survey Current
ALF 024-044 12/20/2024 Character, Competency, and Suitability Reviews Current
ALF 020-057 11/17/2020 Visitation Restrictions Required Under Governor Proclamation 20-25.8 Current

Amended 1/4/2021

ALF 019-014 09/06/2019 CR 103 (Permanent Rules) Filed for Chapter 388-78A WAC (Enforcement Remedies) Current
ALF 022-003 01/19/2022 Temporary Delay of Some Medicaid CARE Assessments Current
ALF 024-020 07/12/2024 Upcoming Training Opportunity: Substance Use Disorder 101 Current
ALF 023-021 06/06/2023 Personal Care Exceptions to Rule Current
ALF 020-043 09/16/2020 COVID-19 Proclamations Extended Through October 1, 2020 Current
ALF 020-068 12/16/2020 CLIA CERTIFICATE OF WAIVER Current
ALF 016-020 11/17/2016 Considerations Regarding the Selection & Use of Lanyards Current
ALF 016-007 06/09/2016 Character, Competence & Suitability for Owner or Designee Current
ALF 017-007 06/12/2017 Stand By Licenses Current
ALF 015-003 03/18/2015 CR 101 Filed to Propose Adding & Amending Sections to Chapter 388-110 WAC Current
ALF 020-038 08/12/2020 Safe Start Recommendations and Requirements for Long-Term Care Settings Current
ALF 024-001 01/16/2024 Precautions for Residents and Staff for Extreme Cold Weather Conditions Current
ALF 015-010 05/22/2015 CR 102 Filed: Amendments to Chapter 388-78A WAC Current
ALF 019-007 03/29/2019 CR 101 Re-filed: Proposed Amendments to Chapter 388-78A (Physical Plant) Current
ALF 024-016 05/10/2024 Emergency Preparedness Considerations for Wildfire Smoke Current
ALF 023-010 03/24/2023 Storage and Usage of Resident Supplies and Equipment Regardless of Funding Source Current
ALF 016-008 06/23/2016 Proposed Amendments to Chapter 388-78A WAC Current
ALF 019-015 09/13/2019 CR-101 Filed to Propose Adding and Amending Sections to Chapter 388-78A WAC (TB Screening) Current
ALF 024-011 03/25/2024 Critical Staffing Management in LTC Settings Update Current
ALF 021-030 06/11/2021 CR-103 (Permanent Rule) Amending WAC 388-78A-2371 Investigations and WAC 388-78A-2360 Adult Day Services Current
ALF 020-012 04/03/2020 Emergency Rules Suspending TB Testing Current