Aging & Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) - Person-Centered Options Counseling Online Curriculum Development

Feedback Forum

Washington State Community Living Connections is seeking feedback on the online curriculum that is being developed by the Administration on Community Living (ACL).  Boston University and the University of Minnesota have been subcontracted by ACL and are currently in the developmental stages of this online curriculum. 

Your input is important!!  The input you provide will promote the development of an effective, competency based training program that is designed to support Aging and Disability Resource Centers/No Wrong Door System across the nation.

Below is a list of four courses with descriptions and the proposed lessons. (There are two more courses to be developed once these four are complete).  We look forward to hearing your feedback!  Provide your feedback by answering the question below each course.  Respond to any on or all of the courses.

Deadlines for feedback will be posted and this page will be updated periodically with information.  A monthly (optional) listening call will be scheduled—this will provide the opportunity for any updates on the development of courses and will also allow a report out of the statewide feedback on the four courses listed below.