Community Rehabilitation Programs Contracts

Enrollment for the 2025-2027 CRP-IL Contract

Enrollment for the 2023-2025 CRP-IL Contract is closed. Please return to this page in January 2025 for information on Open Enrollment for the 2025-2027 CRP-IL Contract. There will be an informational session about the new solicitation and the application process on Dec. 16 at 3 p.m. Please register at this Zoom link: DSHS DVR CRP-IL Solicitation Process Overview - 2025-2027 Contract

Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, please contact Please allow at least two weeks (14 days) advance notice. Last-minute requests will be accepted but may be impossible to fill. If you require an accommodation or modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of DSHS, please contact the DVR ADA Coordinator for an accommodation or modification at

Community Rehabilitation Programs (CRP/IL) Contracts – 

DVR may purchase vocational services from Community Rehabilitation Programs (CRPs) through Client Service contracts to provide rehabilitation services to maximize our customers’ ability to seek and maintain employment. The CRP contracts typically begin July 1 for a two-year term ending June 30.

CRP Client Service contracts are uniformly defined statewide and include:

  • Services
  • Expected outcomes of services
  • Outcome based fee payments

Potential Contractors are required to complete a Request for Qualifications - RFQ to receive a DVR CRP contract. The RFQ indicates the requirements a Contractor must meet to be granted a contract.

Potential contractors who have never had a DVR CRP contract are granted a two-year period to meet additional requirements for subsequent CRP contracts. Depending on the contracted service(s) additional requirements may include:

IL Contractors must provide a resume and educational transcripts for each staff person seeking to provide IL services under the DVR CRP/IL contract.

Contract Resources

Required DVR CRP Training

Thirteen courses developed for DVR by the WISE Learning Center of the Washington Initiative for Supported Employment are directed as core training for CRPs. They are available on our DVR Supported Employment Training page. This training is not required for contractors who only provide Independent Living (IL) services.

The following CRP Staff are required to take the training:

  • The Contractor’s current direct client service providers and program staff shall complete all 13 courses within 12 months of the contract start date, if they have not previously taken it; and
  • Newly hired employees are required to complete all 13 courses within 90 days of the employee’s hire date

The agency is responsible for verifying their employee has completed the required training.
If you have technical difficulties and need assistance with this training site, please contact your IT Helpdesk. 

Optional CRP/IL Contract Overview Videos

**This training is not mandatory. It is intended to assist you in understanding your contract.** 
General overview of 2020 contract including each service. Specific trainings regarding each service to come!

Click on each photo thumbnail to view a specific training in a new window.

2020-2023 CRP-IL Contract Training Video Screenshot        Job Placement Services Video Screenshot        

 Job Retention Services Video Screenshot       Trial Work Experiences and Community Based Assessments Video Screenshot

Intensive Training Services Video Screenshot        Customized Employment


Administrative Documents

Technical Documents

Other Forms/Documents

Service Delivery Outcome Reports (SDOR)

CRP Contractors by County

Other helpful documents

2023 Sample CRP IL Contract for Training