ALTSA Provider/Administrator Letters

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Provider Type Letter Date Subject Status(asc) Notes
ALF 020-023 04/30/2020 Minor or Simple Edits to Statements of Deficiencies Current
ALF 021-047 09/02/2021 Rapid Response Team 2 Short Term Staffing Current
ALF 023-011 03/24/2023 Proposed Amendments to Chapter 388-76, 388-78A AND 388-107 WAC Current
ALF 015-012 06/10/2015 Revised Background Check Authorization Form Current
ALF 020-056 11/13/2020 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Current
ALF 012-009 06/27/2012 CR-103 Filed to Extend Expiration Date of Emergency Rules Current
ALF 022-011 03/09/2022 Updated COVID-19 Guidance from the Department of Health Current
ALF 024-010 03/21/2024 Document Access Requirements During RCS Field Visits Current

Amended March 29, 2024

ALF 017-001 02/15/2017 Licensed Rooms Information Current
ALF 021-016 03/19/2021 Proposed Amendments to WAC 388-78A-2371 Investigations and WAC 388-78A-2360 Adult Day Services Current
ALF 022-023 06/30/2022 Prepare for the End of Proclamation 20-10 Related to CPR Training Under Chapter 388-112 WAC Current
ALF 013-024 12/12/2013 Background Check Result Letters Effective January 6, 2014 Current
ALF 018-016 08/23/2018 CR 101 Filed to Propose Adding and Amending Sections to Chapter 388-78A WAC (TB Screening) Current
ALF 020-024 05/04/2020 COVID Only Facilities Current
ALF 021-048 09/03/2021 Continued Use of Eye Protection to Prevent COVID-19 Infection to Protect Yourself and the People You Serve Current
ALF 023-009 03/24/2023 RCS Transition to Paperless Work - Use of Electronic Fax to Delivery Notice - Project Closure Current
ALF 015-013 06/16/2015 Assigned RCS Field Managers Current
ALF 020-055 11/13/2020 Risk Assessment During Holiday Travel Current
ALF 012-010 07/09/2012 Revisions to Questions on the Complaint Hotline Current
ALF 022-012 03/18/2022 Secretary of Health Order 20-03.8, Face Coverings - Statewide, Effective March 12, 2022 Current

Amended April 1, 2022

ALF 024-011 03/25/2024 Critical Staffing Management in LTC Settings Update Current
ALF 017-002 02/22/2017 CDC Guidance for Water Management Plans Current
ALF 021-017 03/24/2021 Emergency Rules Suspending TB Testing Current
ALF 022-024 07/08/2022 CR-103E Filed to Extend Emergency Rules Regulating Timelines for Completing Certain Resident Assessments and CR-101 Filed to Consider Permanent Rulemaking Current
ALF 013-025 12/27/2013 CR 102 Filed: Formal Phase of Proposed Amendments to Chapter 388-110 WAC Current