ALTSA Provider/Administrator Letters

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Provider Type Letter Date Subject Status(desc) Notes
ALF 013-020 10/03/2013 CR 102 Filed: Formal Phase of Proposed Amendments to Chapter 388-78A WAC Current
ALF 018-013 06/11/2018 Behavioral Health Training Survey Current
ALF 020-044 09/21/2020 CR-101 Filed to Consider Rulemaking: WAC 388-78A-2371 Investigations, WAC 388-78A-2360 Adult Day Services Current
ALF 021-058 12/23/2021 Temporary Medicaid Rate Increase Continued Current
ALF 024-007 03/08/2024 Critical Staffing Management in LTC Settings Update Current
ALF 015-010 05/22/2015 CR 102 Filed: Proposed Amendments to Chapter 388-78A WAC Current
ALF 021-004 01/28/2021 COVID-19 Proclamations Extended under SCR 8402 Current
ALF 012-006 04/30/2012 2012 Legislation: ESHB 2314 – Concerning Long-Term Care Current
ALF 016-018 11/08/2016 ALF Room List Updates to Chapter 388-78A WAC Current
ALF 020-012 04/03/2020 Emergency Rules Suspending TB Testing Current
ALF 021-035 06/28/2021 Precautions for Residents and Staff Related to Heatwave Current
ALF 023-007 03/09/2023 Webinar - Use of EMS 911 Services Training I King County EMS and LTC: Exploring Solutions Together Current
ALF 013-021 10/15/2013 Recurrent Nationwide Shortage of Tuberculin Skin Test Antigen Solutions Current
ALF 018-014 07/25/2018 Personal Care Services Client Survey Current
ALF 020-044 09/21/2020 CR-101 Filed to Consider Rulemaking: WAC 388-78A-2371 Investigations, WAC 388-78A-2360 Adult Day Services Current
ALF 022-001 01/07/2022 New Testing Program “Operation Expanded Testing” Available Current
ALF 024-008 03/19/2024 Change in Community COVID-19 Guidance Current
ALF 015-010 05/22/2015 CR 102 Filed: Amendments to Chapter 388-78A WAC Current
ALF 021-005 02/01/2021 COVID-19 Vaccination Information Current
ALF 012-007 05/14/2012 Admission Contracts and Agreements Current
ALF 016-019 11/15/2016 Rule Development for ALF Plant Requirements to Chapter 388-78A WAC Current
ALF 020-013 04/21/2020 Revised Processes: Personal Protective Equipment Ordering and COVID-19 Testing Current

Revised 04-21-2020

ALF 021-036 07/01/2021 Safe Start for Long-Term Care Plans Updated Current
ALF 023-008 03/17/2023 1st Amendment Auditors Visiting State Agencies Current
ALF 023-024 10/09/2023 RCS Staff Mask Wearing and Related Procedures During the 2023-2024 Respiratory Illness Season Rescinded