Jail Technical Assistance



JTA logoresourcesTraining

What assistance do you provide to jails?

The Jail Technical Assistance Program provides informational support to Washington jails in the following areas: Pre and post-book options, identification of need and access to treatment, guidelines for administration of involuntary medication, continuity of care, use of segregation, transition planning, crisis de-escalation, and more. Our team of expert consultants and trainers may be contacted at jailassistance@dshs.wa.govClick here for more information.


Are you able to provide assistance to organizations other than jails?

The Jail Technical Assistance Program provides informational support and training primarily to jails in Washington. Our training is also available to healthcare providers who support people with mental health conditions in jail and/or who are transitioning into the community.


Where can I find information about community mental health support?

For more information on community support visit the Washington State Health Care Authority website or call 360-725-1500. For additional information, contact jailassistance@dshs.wa.gov.


What do I do if I believe a Trueblood class member in my jail needs expedited admission into a state psychiatric hospital?

DSHS has a process for expedited admission into DSHS facilities for court-ordered competency evaluation and restoration. For more information about this process, see the Triage Consultation and Expedited Admission page. You may also contact the Jail Technical Assistance Program at jailassistance@dshs.wa.gov.


How do I activate Medicaid for a person in jail?

Visit the Health Care Authority website to see behavioral health treatment options. You can also call the HCA at 1-800-562-3022.


How can I learn more about involuntary medication processes for people in jail?

Our team provides informational support and training on this process. Information can be found in our best practices guidebook and at our training website.


Where can I find out more about screening and assessment for co-occurring disorders?

Our team provides informational support and training on this process. Additional information can be found on this page and in our best practices guidebook.


How can I transfer a person (court-ordered) from jail to a state hospital?

Transportation is arranged by the hospital or by the restoration treatment facility, in coordination with the jail transportation department. 


Where can I find information about funding for training and/or other improvements for my jail?

Our program does not provide direct funding, however further information is available on our resources page


Is training available on crisis de-escalation?

Our team provides informational support and training on crisis de-escalation. Additional information can be found in our best practices guidebook and with this presentation.


How can I suggest training offerings?

Email us at jailassistance@dshs.wa.gov.