ALTSA Provider/Administrator Letters

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Provider Type Letter Date Subject Status(desc) Notes
ALF 023-023 09/25/2023 Personal Care Services Survey Current
ALF 015-002 02/18/2015 RCS Provider Forums Current
ALF 020-051 10/28/2020 Flu Vaccine Now Available to Uninsured Adults at No Cost Current
ALF 019-012 07/12/2019 CR 102 Filed (Formal Phase) for Chapter 388-78A WAC (Physical Plant) Current
ALF 022-008 03/04/2022 Safe Start for Long-Term Care Plans Replace with Long-Term Care COVID Response Plans Current
ALF 024-023 08/02/2024 CR-103P Filed (Permanent Rules) for Chapter 246-843 WAC Current
ALF 016-010 07/14/2016 Services to Enable Accessible Communication with People Who are Deaf, Deaf-Blind, Hard of Hearing or Speech Disabled Current
ALF 021-012 02/26/2021 Chapter 246-101 WAC, Notifiable Conditions Proposed Rules and Public Hearing Notice Current
ALF 022-036 09/22/2022 Mass Testing Available for Nursing Assistant Certification Current
ALF 013-013 06/27/2013 Final Amendments Related to Chapter 388-78A WAC – Assisted Living Facility (ALF) Licensing Rules Current
ALF 020-020 04/21/2020 CR 103P Rulemaking Order Filed Current
ALF 018-006 04/09/2018 Focus Groups Regarding Behavioral Health Service Opportunities Current
ALF 021-045 08/24/2021 Order Free PPE Through the State of WA Between Now & October 31, 2021 Current
ALF 015-003 03/18/2015 CR 101 Filed to Propose Adding & Amending Sections to Chapter 388-110 WAC Current
ALF 020-052 11/06/2020 Emergency Volunteer Health Practitioners Background Checks Current
ALF 019-013 08/02/2019 ALF Locator Expansion Current
ALF 022-009 03/04/2022 CR-103E (Emergency Rules) Filed for Chapter 388-78A Administrator Training Certification Suspension Current
ALF 024-024 08/02/2024 Personal Care Services Survey Current
ALF 016-011 07/20/2016 Emergency Evacuations Current
ALF 021-014 03/04/2021 Long-Term Care Resilience Training Opportunity Current
ALF 022-037 09/28/2022 Emergency Health Practitioner Volunteer Program Ends When the State of Emergency Ends on October 31, 2022 Current
ALF 013-014 07/17/2013 2013 Legislation: HB 1003 Current
ALF 020-021 04/27/2020 Cloth Face Covering Distribution Current
ALF 013-015 07/24/2013 CR 101 Filed to Propose Adding & Amending Sections to Chapter 388-78A WAC Current
ALF 020-022 04/27/2020 Emergency Rules Suspending Requirements for Administrator Training Certificates Current