ALTSA Provider/Administrator Letters

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Provider Type Letter Date Subject Status(asc) Notes
AFH 021-001 01/11/2021 AFH N95 Respirator Distribution and Fit Testing Current
ICFIID 024-005 03/08/2024 Critical Staffing Management in LTC Settings Update Current
CCRSS 019-005 08/02/2019 CCRSS Locator Expansion Current
ESF 022-001 01/07/2022 New Testing Program “Operation Expanded Testing” Available Current
AFH 020-035 08/04/2020 COVID-19 Proclamations Extended until September 1, 2020 Current
NH 024-034 07/26/2024 Updates to Nursing Home Data and Care Compare Current
NH 020-091 12/02/2020 The Department of Health Process for Point-of-Care Testing Reporting Current

Amended 12/16/2020

ALF 013-020 10/03/2013 CR 102 Filed: Formal Phase of Proposed Amendments to Chapter 388-78A WAC Current
ESF 022-037 11/16/2022 CR-102 (Formal Phase) and CR-103E (Emergency Rules) Filed to Amend the Requirement for Training and Home Care Aide Certification Current
NH 016-001 01/05/2016 S&C 16-05-ALL: Infection Control Pilot Project Current
ALF 021-016 03/19/2021 Proposed Amendments to WAC 388-78A-2371 Investigations and WAC 388-78A-2360 Adult Day Services Current
ESF 014-001 02/03/2014 CR 102 Filed (Formal Phase) to add New Chapter 388-107 WAC – ESF Licensing Rules Current
NH 021-043 05/25/2021 QSO-21-19-NH Interim Final Rule: COVID-19 Vaccine Immunization Reporting Requirements for Residents and Staff Current
NH 017-021 07/13/2017 S&C 17-36-NH Revision to State Operations Manual (SOM) Appendix PP for Phase 2, F-Tag Revisions & Related Issues Current
NH 022-019 05/05/2022 Emergency Rules and Proposed Rules Filed Regarding Long-Term Care Worker Training Requirements Current
AFH 023-038 11/03/2023 Implementation of House Bill 1694: Changes to Long-Term Care Worker Eligibility, Training and Certification Current
ICFIID 018-015 10/10/2018 ICF/IID Licensed as NH – Background Check Citations and Processing Delays Current
CCRSS 023-010 04/14/2023 Rapid Response Teams for Short-Term Staffing in Long-Term Care Setting Current
CCRSS 021-051 10/08/2021 Updated Guidance About Aerosol Generating Procedures for LTC Settings Current



CCRSS 016-008 10/21/2016 CR 103P Permanent Rule Filed Adding & Amending Sections to Chapter 388-101 WAC Current
CCRSS 020-018 05/14/2020 Infection Prevention Assessments for CCRSS Settings Current
AFH 015-012 06/16/2015 Assigned RCS Field Managers Current
ALF 021-046 08/26/2021 CR 101s Filed For Chapter 388-76 (AFH), 388-78A (ALF) and 388-107 (ESF) Related to ESHB 1120 Current
ESF 018-007 06/11/2018 Behavioral Health Training Survey Current
CCRSS 018-007 06/11/2018 Behavioral Health Training Survey Current