A Profile of Housing Assistance Recipients in Washington State by Household Type

Oct 2011 |
Online Library
Washington State Fiscal Year 2010

This report examines differences in rates of DSHS social and health service use, employment and arrests by household composition for 35,908 people who received assistance from four housing and homelessness prevention programs in state fiscal year 2010. The four household types are included in the analysis are households made up of one adult plus children, households with two or more adults plus children, unaccompanied adults, and “other” households (i.e., unaccompanied minors, and multiple adults without children). Findings show that differences in service use across the housing programs (Transitional Housing, Emergency Shelter, Permanent Supportive Housing, and Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-housing) reflect differences in the types of households that each program serves, combined with DSHS program eligibility requirements.

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