Residential Provider Resources

This web page is intended as a resource for residential providers who contract with DDA.  Documents and other materials of interest to residential providers will be posted here.  If you have specific requests, contact us at

General Provider Resources

Background Checks

End of Life Planning

Financial Resources

Incident Reporting

Individual Instruction and Support Plans (IISP)

Integrated Settings

Plans of Correction (POC)

Positive Behavior Support

Resources - General

Training Tools



Alternative Living Resources

Companion Homes Resources

For questions about Companion Homes, please contact:

Olga Lutysk, Community Residential Services Program Manager
(360) 407-1518

Supported Living, Group Homes, and Group Training Homes Resources

For questions about the Supported Living program, please contact:

Megan Kwak, Community Residential Services
(360) 764-9909

For questions about the Group Training Home or Group Home program contact:

Olga Lutysk, Community Residential Services Program Manager
(360) 407-1518

Residential Quality Assurance Support

This unit can help providers in a variety of different quality assurance areas. Please contact unit staff for any questions or assistance.

If you have any general questions about DDA Quality Assurance,  contact Neal Hallmark, Residential Quality Assurance Unit Manager.