County Best Practices

This web page hosts local, county and state work that is topical. Contribute to the page and keep an eye on the work in progress in Washington State for the integration of people with developmental disabilities in their communities. Share your best practices. Highlight work incentives that are effective in securing jobs in the public or private sector. Report on innovative projects.

Best Practices Documents

Administrative References

Community Inclusion

Supported Employment

ADSA Web Access ("AWA")

County Monitoring Tool Kit

Please remember to reference the most current DDA County Program Agreement and Criteria for Evaluation to ensure the monitoring tool includes all of the current requirements.

Data Security Best Practices

Social Security and Benefits


Transition and Job Foundation

County Developmental Disabilities Websites

Not all counties have websites devoted to services for those with developmental disabilities. Those we are aware of are listed below. If you know of a site we do not have listed please contact the DDA webmaster.