Mental Health Services


Provide a basic overview of services available to assist clients in accessing mental health services.

Clarifying Information

The following resources are available to assist  adults, youth and families with children in accessing mental health services. Depending on the situation access to mental health treatment and services may require facilitating the referral  through the person’s primary care provider, Regional Support Network (RSN) or local mental health provider. It is highly recommended that each office know and collaborate with  all local mental health providers and RSN.

If it appears the individual is in crisis due to a mental illness referral should be immediately made to the RSN for emergency crisis intervention services. A Designated Mental Health Professional (DMHP) will determine if an involuntary mental health evaluation and treatment is warranted. Crisis services are available to any person regardless of income or citizenship status. If the crisis requires the involvement of law enforcement ask the 911 operator to involve Crisis Intervention Team [CIT] officers if they are available in your community. They are trained to de-escalate violent situations in which a mental illness may be a contributing factor.

Regional Support Network (RSN) Mental Health Prepaid Health Plans

RSNs, through licensed mental health agencies, provide medically necessary services to clients eligible for the Title XIX Medicaid program as well as some other persons with a diagnosed mental illness An in-person appointment with the mental health provider will be necessary to make that determination. Services include emergency crisis intervention, case management, counseling and psychotherapy, and psychiatric treatment, including medication management. A directory of RSNs and licensed community mental health agencies is available at the link listed below.

Medicaid Healthy Options Program

Title XIX Medicaid clients who are enrolled in Healthy Options are eligible for limited mental health services through the Healthy Options health plans. The benefits include psychiatric and psychological testing, evaluation and treatment and unlimited medication management when provided in conjunction with mental health treatment covered by the Contractor. Mental health benefits offered through the Healthy Options plans are limited to those Title XIX who do not meet the RSN’s Access to Care Standards.  Detailed information is provided at the Healthy Options website listed below.

Primary Care Provider (Family Physician)

Clients with depression or anxiety disorders may be served by accessing the person’s Primary Care Provider to assist in determining if the mental disorder is treatable by medication or other services covered by health insurance or medical coupons. The primary care provider’s medical assessment may also be helpful in documenting the need for treatment when referring the client to a psychiatrist or other mental health services provider.

WorkFirst/ TANF

TANF/WorkFirst clients may be screened using the Depression and Anxiety Disorder screens in the e-JAS Mental Health Category in the Social Services Assessment. If, as a result of the e-JAS Depression and Anxiety Disorder screenings, it appears the client needs further evaluation, refer the client to his or her primary care provider or local mental health service provider.


Washington Apple Health (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)

Search IESA Clarification Database (internal use only)